Aidan Backus

I am Aidan Backus, a-fifth year Ph.D. candidate at Brown University, where I am a member of the geometric analysis group and a student of Georgios Daskalopolous. Previously, I was at UC Berkeley. I am on the job market for a postdoc.I can be reached at [email protected]. See also my CV and research statement.

A photo of me.


I work in geometric measure theory, the study of geometric structures which are too singular to study using differential calculus. I'm particularly interested in calculus of variations in L and BV, and its applications to geometry. Classically the calculus of variations has studied partial differential equations which arise as solutions of optimization problems in L2, or more generally a reflexive Banach space. The analysis becomes much trickier in L and BV, but in these spaces the problems have much clearer geometric interpretations (for example, the prototypical BV problem is concerned with finding area-minimizing hypersurfaces) and my research attempts to use geometric and convex duality-based techniques to make progress.

Research publications

Research preprints

Preprints, not intended for publication

Informal Notes


  • June 2025, Providence: Geometric Analysis Workshop

  • April 2025, Hartford: Spring Eastern AMS Sectional Meeting

  • February 2025, Chicago: University of Chicago Geometric Analysis Seminar

  • May 2024, Des Moines: Algorithmic Fractal Dimensions

  • January 2024, San Francisco: Joint Mathematics Meetings

  • November 2023, Storrs: University of Connecticut PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar

  • July 2023, Madison: Summer School on the Fractal Uncertainty Principle

  • April 2023, Princeton: Geometry Festival

  • March 2023, Providence: Geometric Analysis Workshop

  • January 2023, Boston: Joint Mathematics Meetings

  • November 2022, Storrs: Northeast Workshop in Geometric Analysis

  • October 2022, Amherst: Fall Eastern AMS Sectional Meeting

  • September 2022, Princeton: A Celebration of Karen Uhlenbeck's 80th Birthday
